Placer TART Paratransit – TART

Railyard Mobility Hub Open/Truckee Route Change

The HWY 267 route will no longer serve the Truckee Train Depot but will serve the Railyard Mobility Hub and the new stop by the Beacon Gas Station. HWY 89 Southbound and Truckee Local Westbound buses will NOT pull into the Depot lot - please wait at the new stop across the street from the Depot. Maps have been posted on TART buses and at bus stops. The new Railyard Mobility Hub in Truckee has been added as a stop on all Local and Regional routes. For questions, please call the TART office at (530) 550-1212.

Placer TART Paratransit

What is Placer TART’s Paratransit Service?

Tahoe Area Regional Transit offers a complementary ADA paratransit service that is comparable to the level of fixed route bus service provided by TART. This means that ADA complementary taxi service is provided during the hours of 6:00 am to 6:00  pm 7 days a week in the same areas served by the TART fixed route buses.

For those who are eligible:

  •  A person must call 24hrs before a ride is needed to request a trip.
  • Trips can be requested up to 14 days in advance.
  • Subscription service is available, but restrictions may apply.
  • Fares can be no more than twice the TART fixed route base fare for the same trip.
  • Trips can be requested for any purpose.
  • An eligible person’s access to complementary paratransit service cannot be limited by patterns of refusals, unusually long trips, late pick ups, or other such factors.

DAR Application